A woman's sacred journey mirrored in the eyes of every woman and man
The oracle deck that trailblazes a new path
to the next level of soul embodiment

All the magic of a 13 year journey of embodying the wisdom of the oracle is here. Translated into images, portraits and coding for you to make your own sacred journey with. The Soul Prophecy Oracle is the sovereign journey that leads you to understanding your own soul's prophecy and living it in this life. Enjoy.
This is my story...
Greetings, my name is Hazel, and this is the profound story of overcoming all the odds to create the Soul Prophecy Oracle Deck. A journey of art, carving a new path to live one's own soul prophecy in this lifetime.
The Soul Prophecy Oracle was created by taking the journey to know what love truly is. It began with my love for art, creation and never letting that magic of being creative go, no matter what happens, for I have come to learn it is the most potent super-power.
Now is the time to share this thirteen-year journey with you.
This journey led me from depression into curiosity, then through the portals of despair, betrayal, and death to a life full of deep healing, bringing me joy, friendship, success, passion, and true love. I created and lived my own true-life fairy tale through the Soul Prophecy Oracle. And by this, the essence of the Oracle has shown me how magical life can be when you follow the path of pure source guidance and higher self-wisdom all the way.
I share this magic with you so you can create your own journey of love because love heals all wounds.
This story is about love and unity consciousness. It is about growth and healing separation inside and outside, the relationship with ourselves and others, so love can be lived in this life. Becasue love can heal anything if given a chance, and I was willing to take the journey to find out if it was true.
I went through not one but two failed marriages. The pain and betrayal my heart endured was unimaginable to me, but throughout it all I managed to keep my heart open. Through the cracks of my wounded heart I began to work with the light that was inside and it guided me so profoundly I could hardly believe the story that was unfolding in my life.
Through the heart I could feel it all and express that wisdom, pain and love through art. This is the art in the Soul Prophecy Oracle, it is this art that holds the coding for the healing needed to willingly take the journey of love.
Let's now go back to 2012
Well, I believe it goes back further than 2012, but it was around this time that significant changes started happening form the inside out. For example, I felt called to go to Stonehenge, and went with my mother at Winter Solstice. It was the time before the hoards of people now gather, it was stunning. Then other things like my yoga classes transporting me to other inexplicable inner realms and this started me on my journey to come out of my Atheist programming and discover spirituality had nothing to do with religion.
And most importantly I followed the voice that awoke inside of me one day when I was lying in bed depressed and staring at the ceiling. It said,
"If you were to die today, what would you regret not doing."
I waited and observed another voice in me answer the question. It replied,
"I would express myself my way and make my art my way.''
This was the scent on the path where the 2012 oracle journey began. And the great art purge commenced which led to being accepted into multiple arts events, programs, residencies and my greatest art exhibition, where my life and soul magic were expressed throughout the gallery and in multi-disciplinary art forms: illustration, poetry, songs, installation, sculpture, textiles, live art, performance and collaborations.
The recent divorce from an abusive marriage in France where all my dreams had come crashing down, was now fuelling my radical awakening and transformation. Here, 5 years later, I created this exhibition of pure expression, purging and exploding my soul journey through the magical portal of art. At this time I did not know the depths at which I was working, that all came later ...

My work was becoming a great soul exposure, asking me to put myself on the page and into the art, showing all the different expressions of life, my life, the abuse, grief, betrayal, love, passion and beauty - artlife.
And my art was beautiful. The beautiful expression of inner pain, but my work had no colour, all I could do was black and white. So it became all about the lines, dots and marks, like breadcrumbs, leading me back home to my soul.
At the last big opening event, I stood watching the scenes of people pouring in to admire my work and a fire lit inside me. An epiphany of what my work had truly become. It showed me how to heal through taking a journey, and I wanted to know how to use that magic to help others heal from traumatic events. (see cards #0 Sacred Clown and #1 Memory Keeper in the oracle deck, these are two pieces from my original black and white exhibitions. The wisodm of these art pieces is the beginning of taking a sacred journey)
Heal the hidden, sometimes considered, unhealable wounds of the heart.
Through this passionate fire in my heart, I made a wish to the universe, “Please show me how I can use this gift of art to help heal others express themselves and heal, so they do not have to get stuck in pain”.
I knew this wasn't about me becoming an art, performance, writing, or singing teacher, this was about something else. It was about energy, life force and passion... but where would I begin?
I didn’t take this soul journey to be alone, I took it to be in love, and that’s where the wish took me, but in order to meet love I had to let go of what no longer served love. How was I going to do this?
I was guided to explore creative energy, life force energy, sexual energy, and I did this in multiple ways over this 13 year journey. Including multiple shamanic initiations, becoming a Priestess of Sacred Sexuality, and going on a wild 6-year journey of learning directly from the plant world with plant medicine journeys and indigenous shamans from several different continents.
Once my Priestess training was completed in Glastonbury, the heart of Mother Earth, I was inspired to go on a pilgrimage to understand the next part of my artistic soul journey, anchor the vibration of the Priestess within and open up the essence of self sovereignty and leadership that had awoken in me. So in 2015 I walked the Camino for forty days from Lisbon Portugal up to 'the end of the world' at Finisterre in Spain.
This pilgrimage was also an art quest. I sold 40 blank pages of my skecth book beofre leaving and took the spirits of 40 page pilgrims with me along with my paper and pencils. Everyday I drew an illustration and channelled messages which were later sent to the people who had bought the pages. It was epic. Hard enough to walk for 40 days, but to draw and write everyday was quite a devotion!
Along the journey, I received downloads of visons and songs that deepened my embodiment of the archetypes I had worked with during the Priestess training and I later drew my version of the goddess wheel through the essences and coding of sacred sexuality and how the seasonal changes help evolve this life force energy. This was the beginning of my deep embodiment journey of archetypal energies, cyclical living and womb wisdom work. It was life-changing.
These illustrations became my first book, I Am Divine. A creative journey course for women to connect to the power of life force energy through their own body wisdom. Versions of these illustrations are now part of the Soul Prophecy Oracle too. (See oracle cards #2 to #12 for this part of the journey)
My art and my journey were starting to come alive, the wish I made in the gallery was making itself known to me and my life was becoming art as it showed me the next direction in my life to take.

After this time period I met a new man, moved to Portugal and then onto Holland, and later got married for a second time. I left my thriving art career, contacts and prospects for the promise of love. It became increasingly difficult to create and it later became clear to me why this was happening.
Whilst in Holland, I reduced my art expression to pen and paper, and turned more and more inward, guided by the depths of my inner world which unknowingly led me on the most transformational path I could have never wish for, as I had no idea it existed at that point!
So now on a whole new inner journey, Holland was bringing me many great gifts of inner journey work, through friendships, sister circles, festivals, women's work and deep ceremonies with indigenous tribes and plant medicines. It was wild.
During this time, around 2018 - 2020 my second marriage was becoming increasingly strained, toxic and abusive but I was blinded by the illusion of fake love and my creative source was difficult to keep alive.
I finished writing my first novel, based on the first part of my Art-Life journey, and I still intend to get it published as soon as I can, but as I was writing it, the spirit of the pen was asking me to draw myself on the page again. Draw myself back into my work like I had done before when this journey had begun in 2012.
So in 2019, I printed a photo of me onto a page again (see card #13 Sarcophagus Initiation, in the oracle deck) like I had done years before, (see card #1 Memory Keeper, in the oracle deck).
When I drew this. I died.
I had been neglecting my art due to the emotional turmoil of my relationship that was sucking me dry, but there was a strong voice in me saying. "GET ON THE PAGE!"
I made sure I was alone in the house. I printed myself onto the page. I lit a candle and opened ceremonial space for myself with sacred cacao and invoked my soul wisdom.
I laid my hands on the page, covering the image of my face, and I closed my eyes, and I began to see again.
I did not know what would happen. I followed my inner visions and slowly began illustrating the lines. As I was drawing I was reading the lines, dots and marks, following the imagery and coding that was coming though. I drew exactly what I was being told and shown to draw. It was my death.
I began to feel like I was drawing the prophecy of my death. I was drawing and crying, stunned into fear and mourning myself all at the same time. Surrendering into the sarcophagus, I thought I would actually die and I was afraid to finish the picture through fear of invoking my own death. I was indeed illustrating my own death, the path to deep surrender and ego death.
When I realised I wasn't actually going to die that day, I finished the illustration and laid down my pen. I could feel the call to be in service with my art and draw other women.
The difference this time was that red wanted to come in. The blood of my ancestors, my sacred lineage as woman. I could now make art in black white and red.
I saw the vision of the next woman who I should draw, I called her immediately and she said yes to having her soul portrait journey with me. This started the series of life death and rebirth, (cards #13 #36 in the oracle).
Each time I finished one I got the vision of the next woman to draw. This started escalating and women were asking me to be part of it so I opened commissions and my abilities for soul reading through my art exponentially amplified as I received channelled messages for each women through the art.
At this point I had no idea they would all be part of an oracle deck, but it soon started showing me that this is what it wanted to be.
The energy involved in illustrating these women was so intense I could only draw with black ink on white paper, and later add the red. I illustrated over 25 women whose souls showed me many facets of deep feminine wisdom through the energies of the ‘Triple Goddess’ - life, death and rebirth, it was real and happening.
Through illustrating each woman, deep lessons of embodiment were showing up in my life, showing me how each card was taking me on a deep soul journey and offering them reflections and guidance form their own soul expression, it was a stunning process that was starting to unfold.
I now drew in private as every time I would draw there would be an argument in my relationship. Big things were stirring inside and outside. I didn't know at that point why there was such struggle in my relationship when all this deep wisdom was flowing through me. The women inspired me to keep drawing. It was beyond me.
The spirit of the oracle was now in me and guiding me to keep going. To keep making my art in service for a greater service of good for others.

Then, at the end of Summer 2020 I was illustrating a woman whose work involves ceremonial processes of life and death (cards #35 & #36). She is a death and life doula and wisdom keeper. It was a profound card to illustrate onto the page, perhaps more than I had bargained for, because at the exact moment I was illustrating her portrait my now ex-husband walked in and ended our marriage.
In that very moment I had a profound realisation of what love and separation truly were, because I was in a ceremonial visionary art process my senses were amplified and I could see his energies as he was talking to me. There was a split. I could now see love and I could also see fear.
Through the insanity of it all, there was the choice between life and death, right in that moment. A choice of love and unity or fear and separation, which changed my life completely, because that was the end of my old life.
I chose love and unity and everything else fell away.
Through this deep betrayal of my heart, I found myself with nothing, living in a caravan on a farm, with just my savings and a broken heart. I went into a deep transformational change, which some people might call a nervous breakdown.
And this was now also the end of my illustrations
I see it now as the most wild and radical portal of transformation that sledgehammered all my illusions of love. I got what I asked for! The universe was showing me what love was and was not.
Because of all my years of women's work, sacred plant medicine ceremonies and leadership trainings up until that point, I now knew this was my moment of glory.
The end of my relationship meant now was the time to do the real work I had been searching for. If I was going to get the healing I knew was possible, it meant staying put and enduring everything that moved though me.
I was in the ringer. I was in the ring. The bell was ringing and I was being called out. It was now only me and my ego and we would dance the most glorious battle of life and death that would help me finally dissolve in that sarcophagus and become new. This was the initiation. This was the death I had prophesised.
As the world was going into lockdown, I was breaking free.
I was breaking down yes, but I was also breaking through at the same time, and my awareness was skyrocketing and showing me what was happening in every moment.
I began to realise I was being born every morning and dying every evening and my four hour sleeps were bring prophetic visons of past lives and ancient civilisations that were applicable for this lifetime. I was shown how it was all playing out. I was given the ancient and new codings for divine union in this big evolutionary time of humanity right now. (Card #37)
The daily life and death cycles were accelerating my evolution and the embodiment of all the archetypal wisdom I had been illustrating, was now guiding me. My art was all I had left, but I would not pick up another pen until I was sure I could draw the truth.
It was hell. It was wild. It was incredible.
I held my own with a few friends who were like guardian angels for me. This went on intensively for three months straight as my old life all fell, I lost it all. I lost all sense of security as the illusion of love dropped and I saw the reality of the situation I was in.
Raw, open heart bleeding love was cracking me open, summoning me out the shell of abusive relating, and I decided to play.
Everything was now speaking to me, the art, the stones, the flowers, the trees, the element and goodness knows how many spirits I had once shunned due to my atheistic doubt programs. It felt like the whole universe was in me, with me, guiding me every single day. I felt fully activated with my rose tinted glasses now blasted to smithereens I could sniff the infested scent of the salesmen of lies, and I wasn't buying anymore of their second-hand products.
Then, a woman contacted me and asked me if she could be next portrait!
My ego wanted to say no, but my heart said yes. This was the end of the triple goddess teachings and beginning of something new. At first I drew her in pen, but as I was drawing her I saw all the colours that wanted to be in it. So when edited it I added colour. I started with red, then blue, then green and then all the colours came flooding in and it asked me finally to remove all the black pen, so I did.
In a way, this woman helped save a part of me. The part of me that wanted to give up my art and therefore life. But her soul portrait showed me it was time to rise and become unstoppable. This medicine is for us all. (card #38)
Then another woman stepped in and another, and then men came forward and before I knew it the prophecy of divine union was showing up through the trinity of the feminine and the trinity of the masculine, creating a new coding to break free from the past and create a new pathway. (cards #38 - #43)
The magic of the art and the soul prophecy was weaving a new reality and asking me to keep putting it on the page.
At the same time as these beautiful souls stepping into be part of the oracle my personal life was still evolving beyond my wildest dreams. Destruction and creation happening simultaneously and the wisdom of divine union coming in thick and fast, asking me to trust the process.
There were times I woke up at night in the middle of winter storms feeling like like I was on a ship, the cabin swaying me from side to side as if I were on rough seas. I was set sail on a new voyage.
I felt seasick and I stumbled to my knees, I sobbed though what seemed like endless grief. I grieved the whole ocean I was sailing on in the dark. I was not grieving the surface level of the marriage ending, I was grieving what felt like lifetimes of separation and betrayal, in and outside of myself, through ancient civilisations, karmic contracts, the essence of the sacred feminine and masculine working together for great healing, and right up to the here and now.
I was shown I was not mean to be alone, I was being shown divine union, and yet my human life was stripping it all away. This felt so ironic. Trying to be logical about it made me feel delirious, on my knees and I shouted to the universe, “Show me what I need to know, I give you my all!”
I was again shown the choice of everything, life or death, love or fear. I was shown my true purpose in this lifetime is Divine Union, and I screamed in a rage “HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME TO LOVE AGAIN AFTER SUCH BETRAYAL!?"
My heart was raw and cracked open that my visions were deeper and more powerful than they ever had been, and again I was shown the consequences of what would happen if I chose to be a bitter single woman. What would happen if I embodied the distorted version of the Crone in this time of deep transformation.
The choice was clear, fear led to my death and love led me to my Divine purpose in partnership with a man. I was furious and delirious with rage at the choice presented before me after such deep betrayal from men who told me they loved me.
I was shown the difference between the black lion essence that is cultivated in patriarchy and I was shown essence of the pure masculine and the sacred lion heart, so I shouted at the top of my voice through the hurricane surrounding my cabin - “YOU WANT ME TO LOVE?! THEN BRING ME A TRUE LION HEARTED MAN!”
I would give up my art and all my work with the feminine if I was not able to take this journey further, because I saw the truth and I was not willing to be a fake. I would not profess love if I was not able to live it, so I had to surrender more deeply.
On the 13th of December 2020, (4 years before the launch of my Kickstarter) my landlord knocked on my door and introduced me to his friend, a man named Alistair who had come over from England to visit. We all sat that evening for dinner and he told me he had a special gift as a Spirit Animal specialist and his heart totem was the Lion. I couldn’t believe it, I remained silent, observing, challenging my mind.
He stayed for 3 weeks, and it was his wish to sit in ceremony with me guiding. So a number of us sat in a private medicine ceremony together on the Winter Solstice of 2020. In that ceremony the Mayan prophecy came true and we broke open the energy of the new age of divine union.
''Who was this man?'' I kept asking myself.
After our first ceremony, he started knocking on my door. He said to me “I have the strangest feeling that I have to stick to you like glue”. Again “Who is this man?” I asked myself. I gave him no words. At first, I made myself busy, but he was so kind-hearted I could not deny his friendship and so over the days he sat and listened to my story when no other person would. He listened to my advice, and he took it.
Who is this man? He stayed for just over two weeks and in that time we sat in several ceremonies together and in that short time we became good friends. We spent New Year's Eve together and he said to me “This is a dream come true, I always wanted to spend New Year's eve with someone just like me”.
''Universe - Who is this man?''
The day after he arrived back in London we began to video call each other. We spoke every day for at least 8 hours, and we decided to begin a ceremonial medicine journey between two different countries and an ocean between us.
I summoned in all the lessons I had learned from all my experiences and was determind to truly heal my heart, body and soul. I started taking my own course 'I Am Divine'', and embarked on a radical healing journey with this new friend.
We purified ourselves through exposure, sharing, acknowledgement and sitting in ceremony together over video, it was crazy, crazy fun and we connected for a 1000 days straight and every day since. Everything in my Soul Prophecy Oracle journey was showing me was divine union, yet this man had no idea, he believed we were just friends, but secretly I knew otherwise, because the oracle was showing me the way.

In getting to know my new best friend, I introduced him to the power of art, and the power of the Soul Prophecy Oracle. I was given the next vision of my next card and it took me completely by surprise. It was the jokers. I needed a man, so I asked him and he said he would be honoured. I told him he was brave, but he dove in anyway.
The message was clear from the jokers it was “Do the work”, and it took us 4 years to heal these archetypal distortions in us and how toxic behaviour drives separation between man and woman - the jokers showed us this and much more. They are powerful shadow work cards should you wish to work with them in your oracle, you can include them in your oracle readings.
After the Joker cards, Alistair, my best friend, and I journeyed deep with medicine ceremonies to further continue our deep purification work. He came from a background of deep patriarchal toxic behaviour, mental disorders and a life of traumatic violence. He taught me about narcissistic abuse as he was healing this, and I leaned in to get all the info I could so I too could heal from the two narcissistic abusive marriages I had been through.
I came from a background of untethered artistic creativity filled with emotional abuse and instability under constant threat of losing my life, my gifts, my art and my soul.
It was love that saved me and this journey showed me how deep love truly was in divine union with my mirror opposite. We journeyed into our Akashic DNA and unlocked things in each other that we couldn’t have dreamed of in a million years, and in doing so we began to remember who we truly were. Together.
Due to all the work I was doing in tandem with my new best friend, I did not illustrate the next card until Autumn 2021. It was a special card, Sacred Union. I was the Dragon heart and he was the Lionheart, but he was denying his love for me, and me for him too.
I consulted spirit in my plant medicine ceremonies and I was shown my king frozen in ice, I looked inside and I saw Alistair. I asked how I could free him and spirit told me I could not tell him, because he has to choose for love himself.
That autumn he came over for the Autumn equinox where we sat in ceremony. I asked him to place his heart onto mine. He was reluctant, but he did it, and it opened his heart to new possibilities. It helped me see and understand there was more to what his ego was showing in his heart, but afterwards we still denied our love for each other.
It took me to the brink of giving up and several weeks after I drew the sacred union card, we were in eclipse season and it was a powerful lunar eclipse, we were in ceremony, and he video called me. I was truly on the brink of giving it all up, including my art, and then at the very last moment he spoke these words to me - “Hazel, I have been lying to you. I’m sorry I lied, because you are more than a friend to me, and I do love you”.
A rush of blood, energy, light and love filled my body and soul, and he sang to me a love song.
Several months later he came to see me for the Winter Solstice and that was when I created (card #48) Prophecy Walkers, twin flames with a joint purpose who rise together in love.
It was not until 2022 that the Soul Prophecy Oracle began to show me a new journey was ready to take place, the Chakras. At first, I only knew there were 7 chakras, but my friend Marjanne who is in the deck as the Sacral Chakra told me there were 17. I was blown away, and so I began with the Earth Star Chakra and together with my now partner and still best friend we began to reconnect our true earthly purpose for this lifetime and the knowledge from embodying this journey changed everything forever.
Each chakra was more than a chakra, it was a journey unlocking coding, colours and more, and each piece of art was a sacred quest as new women and men stepped in to complete the final series and share their profound wisdom and teaching for you to enjoy.
This oracle has destroyed me and recreated me
Always learning, ever-growing, a journey of the ages, an Oracle deck like no other, the new journey of journeys, the Soul Prophecy journey of becoming a divine sovereign being in divine union with your twin flame. How does it get any better than that?
To be able to share it with so many who have stepped in to have their portraits as part of the oracle as well as leading me to the special someone in my life where I can now live love. To love and be loved by that person is what made all of this possible to complete this oracle, and I truly wish you find your joy and love through your own Soul Prophecy journey as I share it with you and the world.
This oracle is alive.
Now, tell me, what is your story?
Your story matters, your life is your masterpiece and it is my greatest wish that this oracle brings you so many gifts of love wisdom and revelations to guide you on your masterful journey of life.
Best Wishes &
Love Beyond Love

"There is a gift in every encounter. Every person we meet.
And beyond the personality is where the real gifts are, with the soul.
This is where we truly meet each other. "
- Hazel Evans

13 DECEMBER 2024
- 13 January 2025
Thank you with all my heart
~ Hazel

Follow the journey on Instagram:
- Project progress and updates
- Free card readings when the Oracle launches
- Behind the scenes
- Deeper meanings of the art and cards
All the wisdom and beauty
you need to inspire you
on your next sacred journey